Bf 109G-6/R - Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana,
3a Squadriglia - 2° Gruppo - Villlafranca, Italia , 1944

Microsoft stock plane with new textures and changed file names to work as stand alone plane.

Download - 2.003 KB
Bf 109G-10/R - Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana
2a Squadriglia - 1° Gruppo - Lonate Pozzolo, Italia, 1945
Microsoft stock plane with new textures and changed file names to work as stand alone plane.
Download - 1.971 KB
Bf 109G-6/R-6 Trop - Regia Aeronautica - Cap. Mario Bellagambi
364a Squadriglia, 150° Gruppo Autonomo, Sciacca, 1943
Microsoft stock plane with new textures and changed file names to work as stand alone plane. With tropical filter added by Luca Festari. Texture by Alessandro Biagi.
BF 109G-6 Trop - Regia Aeronautica - Ten. Ugo Drago
363a Squadriglia, 150° Gruppo Autonomo, Sciacca , 1943
Microsoft stock plane with new textures and changed file names to work as stand alone plane. With tropical filter added by Luca Festari. Texture by Alessandro Biagi.
Download - 2.104 KB
Bf 109G-6 Trop - Regia Aeronautica - S.Ten. Giuseppe Ruzzin
154a Squadriglia, 3° Gruppo CT, Comiso, Sicilia, 1943
Alternate skin.. You need to install Bf 109G6 Trop (G6/R6 is not historically accurate) and substitute the texture file with thoise in the zip file. Texture by Alessandro Biagi.